Pecky Cyprus

Description/Overview: Pecky Cyprus is a unique wood species that is highly valued for its distinctive appearance due to its highly textured and visually striking grain patterns. The wood is characterized by the long, vertical cavities created by a fungal attack (Stereum taxodii) on older trees that starts in the roots and works its way up. It's difficult to provide an exact timeline for the start of the fungal decay process in pecky cypress as it can vary depending on various factors such as the type of decay and environmental conditions. It has been stated the process doesn’t start until the tree is at least 125 years old! The wood is lightweight and has a low density, making it ideal for humidors as it can absorb and release moisture without warping or cracking. Its natural resistance to decay also makes it a popular choice for outdoor furniture and decking. Due to its distinctive appearance and rarity, Pecky Cyprus is considered a luxury wood species and is highly valued for use in high-end furniture such as heirloom humidors.

Origin: Gulf Coast region of the United States, primarily in the Southern states like Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

Names: Sometimes called "Alligator wood" due to its distinctive pattern resembling alligator skin.

Color: Typically light brown in color with darker brown streaks and a distinct grain pattern. It can be stained to a variety of colors and finishes.

Properties: Texture is medium to course and grain patterns are irregular with voids and pockets created by a fungus

Additional Info: Due to its unique appearance and scarcity, pecky cypress wood is often seen as a symbol of luxury and exclusivity.Pecky cypress wood can be difficult to find and is considered a specialty wood, making it more expensive than some other types of lumber.Pecky cypress wood is often used in interior design to add a rustic and natural touch to modern and contemporary spaces.

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